As a USSF Assignor, I frequently observe and mentor new referees especially at the younger ages (U9/U10). On those instances when I am among the spectators, what recommendations do you have for my interaction with gravely disruptive spectators. Would it be reasonable for me to attempt to talk with these spectators or even request that they leave? Does it also matter what I am wearing (usually I wear a USSF Referee logo shirt or jacket)? We did have a situation where an Assessor present actually removed a spectator during a game.

USSF answer (October 15, 2008):
Unless there is a recognized competition (league or tournament) policy on the matter, off-duty referees and any assignors, assessors, instructors, and referee administrators should stay well away from all disruptive spectators at a game. The spectators are the problem of the refereeing crew on the game, the competition authority, and the officials of the two teams, not outsiders. Interference by such outsiders, unless specifically requested by the referee or someone from the competition authority, is unwarranted and unnecessary.

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